John Riley
1: | Fair young mDmaid Gall in a gDmarden strange young man pGasserbDmy said "Fair mFaid will you marry mCe?" this then sEmir was her replDmy. |
2: | "Oh no kind sir I cannot marry thee for I've a love who sails all on the seas he's been gone for seven years still no man shall marry me." |
3: | "What if he's in some battle slain or drownded in the deep salt sea what if he's found another love and he and his love both married be?" |
4: | "If he's in some battle slain I will die when the moon doth wane if he's drowned in the deep salt sea I'll be true to his memory." |
5: | "And if he's found another love and he and his love both married be I wish them health and happiness where they dwell across the sea." |
6: | He picked her up all in his arms and kisses gave her one two three saying "Weep no more my own true love I am your long lost John Riley." |
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Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T20:59:40.066+00:00
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